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Fécamp Pupils at the 2024 Paralympic Games!

On September 5th, we had the pleasure of offering 28 pupils from CE2, CM1, and CM2 at Jean Lorrain School an unforgettable trip to the Paralympic Games, an initiative aimed at promoting respect for differences and equal opportunities.

In the morning, the students went to the Défense Arena to cheer on French swimmers Ugo Didier and Hector Denayer during the para-swimming heats. The children gained a new perspective on disability, developing deep respect for these deserving athletes who gave their very best.

Afterwards, they had the honor of meeting Alexandra Truwit, an American para swimmer and silver medalist, who shared her inspiring journey after losing her left leg to a shark attack.

It was an unforgettable day for these young students, reinforcing the values of inclusion, solidarity, and health through sports.


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Rue Jean Paumier

Parc d'Activités des Hautes Falaises

76400 Saint Léonard - France

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Stéphanie Michaut - Daudruy

Tel: 02 35 29 28 54


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