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13 oct. 2021
The solidarity project OLVEAct for Change
As part of the European Sustainable Development Week, which starts on September 18, OLVEA's Philanthropic Fund is launching a solidarity...

10 oct. 2021
La Rose Race - Pink October 2021
The race "La Rose", organized as part of Pink October, took place on Sunday, October 10, 2021. For several years, OLVEA has been involved...

12 juil. 2021
Sponsorship of students from Fécamp - 2021
The signing ceremony of the sponsorship agreements took place last Friday, July 9! On this occasion, the 4 selected students met their...

12 juil. 2021
Inauguration of a second tide bin on Fécamp's dike
After having financed a first tide bin last September, OLVEA’s Philanthropic Fund has inaugurated the installation of a 2nd marine debris...

30 avr. 2021
MauritaVie - Distribution of solidarity baskets
For its very first action, which took place during the holy month of Ramadan, MauritaVie‘s volunteers have donated solidarity baskets to...

27 avr. 2021
MauritaVie - Waste collection in Mauritania
MauritaVie is a charity created in 2020 by OLVEA Mauritania’s employees to support collective social, cultural, educational and...

14 avr. 2021
Marocavie - Medical caravan 2020
In January 2020, Marocavie financed a medical caravan in the province of Tiznit, a remote areas located 140 km from Agadir, in the heart...

8 oct. 2020
2020 literacy campaign in Burkina Faso
OLVEA’s Philanthropic Fund financed a new literacy campaign in Burkina Faso, in the Dissihn region, from March to July 2020. This...

2 oct. 2020
A day on board of the "MilPat" in Fécamp
OLVEA's Philanthropic Fund offered a day on board of the old rigging "MilPat", on Tuesday 29th September, to a dozen people from several...

21 sept. 2020
OLVEA participated in #WorldCleanUpDay!
With the support of the OLVEA Group, its Philanthropic Fund financed the creation and implementation of marine debris containers,...

26 août 2020
Marocavie - Distribution of “solidarity baskets”
In order to face the food shortage arising from the Coronavirus pandemic, the charitable organization Marocavie with the support of...

15 juil. 2020
Sponsorship of students from Fécamp - 2020
The signing ceremony of the sponsorship agreements for the new baccalaureate holders took place on Friday, 10th July! On this occasion,...

26 mai 2020
Burkina Faso: distribution of fabric masks
Burkina Faso: in order to face the global health crisis of COVID-19, OLVEA has financed the distribution of 3,000 fabric masks to 1,500...

4 nov. 2019
Eurydice short film Festival: 8th edition
OLVEA's Philanthropic Fund is a partner of the Eurydice short film Festival, which for its 8th edition will take place from 6 to 10...

14 oct. 2019
"La Rose" race - 2019
This year again, the Philanthropic Fund of OLVEA has financed the participation of OLVEA employees (as well as their spouses and...

4 sept. 2019
Marocavie - Food distribution 2019
During the sacred monthof Ramadan, between May and June 2019, Marocavie financed the distribution of food baskets to 129 cooperatives in...

19 juil. 2019
Restoration of the big stained glass of the Abbey of the Holy Trinity
In Fécamp, the big stained glass of the Abbey of Sainte-Trinité was inaugurated on Friday, July 12th, in the presence of Marie-Agnès...

12 juil. 2019
Sponsorship of students from Fécamp - 2019
For the seventh year, OLVEA’s Philanthropic Fund has organized a sponsorship agreement for future post-secondary graduates, in order to...

22 mai 2019
Marocavie - Organisation of a marathon on the road to Aourir
In April 2019, the Marocavie association organized a marathon on the road to Aourir. With more than 2,000 participants, this sports...

21 mai 2019
Marocavie - Equipment of Argan nuts crushing centers
On International Women's Day (March, 8th, 2019), Marocavie financed the equipment of Argan nut crushing centers in the region of...
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