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20 mai 2019
Marocavie - Medical campaign 2019
From February to April 2019, Marocavie financed 4 medical campaigns in the municipalities of Aourir, Tighanimine, Ait Makhlouf and...

27 mars 2019
Literacy campaign in Burkina Faso
OLVEA’s Philanthropic Fund ran a new literacy campaign in Burkina Faso last February, enabling 85 persons to learn to read, write and...

3 mars 2019
Marocavie - Distribution of blankets : "Warm winter" operation
The "Warm Winter" operation, organized in February 2019, helped the rural populations of several Moroccan municipalities located in...

6 févr. 2019
Marocavie - Distribution of school bags and supplies
In January 2019, Marocavie organized distribution of school bags and supplies for the pupils of Markaziyat Tafdna primary school, in ...

14 janv. 2019
Abbey of Fécamp - Restoration of the stained glass : La Trinité
After more than 6 months of restoration, the stained glass of the Abbey of Fécamp has been replaced in December 2018. OLVEA's...

26 nov. 2018
Marocavie - Equipment of Argan nuts crushing centers
In order to improve the comfort and working space of women producers, Marocavie has financed the equipment of Argan nuts crushing...

8 oct. 2018
Marocavie - Medical campaign and surgeries
A new medical campaign took place in September 2018, in the municipality of Sid H’sayn ou Ali, for more than 400 beneficiaries. Since the...

24 sept. 2018
Cine-concert at the Theater le Passage
OLVEA's Philanthropic Fund financed the Show "The Party", which closed-up the 2018 cultural season. "The Party" is a mixture of the music...

20 sept. 2018
Caicos Virgin of Lourdes
OLVEA's Philanthropic Fund participated in the restoration of a Caicos "The Virgin of Lourdres", moored in the Bérigny basin of Fécamp.

29 août 2018
Marocavie - Football tournament
A football tournament was organized by Marocavie, in collaboration with the association Tloum Isandaln, in the municipality of Tidssi...

27 août 2018
Food distribution - 2018
After distributing food to more than 1,250 families in 2016 and 2017, Marocavie decided to organize a new food distribution to vulnerable...

23 juil. 2018
4th litteracy campaign in Burkina Faso
From January to May 2018, OLVEA's Philanthropic Fund has launched its 4th literacy campaign in Burkina Faso. The opening of 5 literacy...

9 juil. 2018
Sponsorship of students from Fécamp
In 2013, OLVEA's Philanthropic Fund launched a sponsorship program for future post-secondary graduates. The selected bachelors obtained...

11 juin 2018
Marocavie - Infrastructures of El Adarissa Amoulasse school
In May 2018, Marocavie financed the installation of infrastructures in the school El Adarissa Amoulasse, in the province of Taroudant:...

20 avr. 2018
Marocavie - Medical campaign 2018
Marocavie organizes medical campaigns, enabling rural and isolated populations in mountainous regions to benefit from health services...

4 avr. 2018
Marocavie - "Warm winter" : distirbution of blankets
Between January and March, 2018, Marocavie organized an action called “Warm Winter”, during which 360 blankets were distributed in the ...

27 oct. 2017
"Course la Rose" race - 2017
La "Course la Rose" (The "Rose Race"), organized for the benefit of the association Emma, which contributes to raising awareness of the...

6 sept. 2017
Marocavie's food distribution in Morocco
Marocavie has organized for the second consecutive year, a food distribution dayduring Ramadan for Moroccan families stemming from the...

17 août 2017
"L'heure du bain" - Dominique Denry
OLVEA's Philanthropic Fund commissioned 3 bronze sculptures for the city of Fécamp. These pieces of art, named "L'heure du bain" and made...

11 août 2017
Mobile app - Fécamp Discovery
OLVEA's Philanthropic Fund was the initiator of the development of a touristic mobile-app for the city of Fécamp, and contributed to its...
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